
Install the package by using a package manager such as pip.

pip install fp-ngfw-smc-python

Or optionally clone: smc-python:

python install

Dependencies on this library are:

  • requests (REST calls)
  • websocket-client (websocket calls for smc-monitoring)

If installation is required on a non-internet facing machine, you will have to download smc-python and dependencies manually and install by running python setup install.

Once the smc-python package has been installed, you can import the main packages into a python script:

import smc.elements
import smc.core.engine
import smc.core.engines
import smc.policy
import smc.elements.system

To remove the package, simply run:

pip uninstall fp-NGFW-SMC-python

For more information on next steps, please see creating the session