Source code for smc_monitoring.monitors.alerts

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ActiveAlert Query provides the ability to view current alert entries from the
alert log viewer.
When creating the query, you must specify a target which speifies the SMC domain
for which to retrieve the alerts.

A basic alert query using a local timezone example::

    query = ActiveAlertQuery('Shared Domain')

You can also use standard filters to specify a more exact match, for example, showing
alerts with a severity of CRITICAL::

        FieldValue(LogField.ALERTSEVERITY), [ConstantValue(Alerts.CRITICAL)])


from smc_monitoring.models.query import Query
from smc_monitoring.models.constants import LogField

[docs] class ActiveAlertQuery(Query): """ Active Alert Query is an interface to the alert log viewer in Log Server. This query type provides the ability to fetch and filter on active alerts. You can create a new query specifying a valid timezone abbreviation:: query = ActiveAlertQuery('Shared Domain', timezone='CST') Or alternatively no timezone:: query = ActiveAlertQuery('DomainFoo') :param str target: domain for which to filter alerts. Default: 'Shared Domain' :param str timezone: timezone for timestamps, i.e. 'CST', etc """ location = "/monitoring/session/socket" field_ids = [ LogField.TIMESTAMP, LogField.ALERTSEVERITY, LogField.ACTION, LogField.NODEID, LogField.SRC, LogField.DST, LogField.SERVICE, LogField.PROTOCOL, LogField.SPORT, LogField.DPORT, LogField.SITUATION, LogField.VULNERABILITYREFERENCES, ] def __init__(self, target="Shared Domain", timezone=None): super(ActiveAlertQuery, self).__init__("ACTIVE_ALERTS", target) if timezone is not None: self.format.set_resolving(timezone=timezone)
[docs] def fetch_as_element(self, **kw): """ Fetch the results and return as a User element. The original query is not modified. :return: generator returning element instances :rtype: Alert """ clone = self.copy() clone.format.field_format("id") for custom_field in ["field_ids", "field_names"]:, None) for list_of_results in clone.fetch_raw(**kw): for entry in list_of_results: yield Alert(**entry)
[docs] class Alert(object): """ Alert definition returned from specified domain. This is the result of making a :class:`.ActiveAlertQuery` and using :meth:`~ActiveAlertQuery.fetch_as_element`. """ def __init__(self, **data): self.alert = data @property def timestamp(self): """ Timestamp of this connection. It is recommended to set the timezone on the query to view this timestamp in the systems local time. For example:: query.format.timezone('CST') :return timestamp in string format :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.TIMESTAMP)) @property def engine(self): """ The engine/cluster for this state table entry :return: engine or cluster for this entry :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.NODEID)) @property def severity(self): """ Severity for this alert :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.ALERTSEVERITY)) @property def action(self): """ Action performed for the alert :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.ACTION)) @property def source(self): """ Source IP for the alert :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.SRC)) @property def destination(self): """ Destination IP for the alert :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.DST)) @property def service(self): """ Service associated with alert :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.SERVICE)) @property def protocol(self): """ Protocol for alert :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.PROTOCOL)) @property def source_port(self): """ Source port for alert :rtype: int """ return int(self.alert.get(str(LogField.SPORT))) @property def destination_port(self): """ Destination port for alert :rtype: int """ return int(self.alert.get(str(LogField.DPORT))) @property def situation(self): """ Situation defined for this alert :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.SITUATION)) @property def vulnerability_refs(self): """ Comma seperated string listing any vulnerability references for the alert, if any. :rtype: str """ return self.alert.get(str(LogField.VULNERABILITYREFERENCES)) def __str__(self): return "{}(severity={},src={},dst={},action={},situation={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.severity, self.source, self.destination, self.action, self.situation, ) def __repr__(self): return str(self)