Source code for smc.elements.situations

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Module that represents inspection and correlated situations.

.. versionadded:: 0.6.3
    Requires SMC version >= 6.5

Situations can be either inspection related or correlated. Both types can be
searched to obtain collections.

Every situation has an associated 'context' which identifies properties of
the situation and how matching or correlation is performed.

A situation context group is a top level structure that encapsulates similar
individual inspection contexts. You can retrieve these as follows::

    >>> from smc.elements.situations import SituationContextGroup
    >>> for group in SituationContextGroup.objects.all():
    ...   group
    SituationContextGroup(name=DoS Detection)
    SituationContextGroup(name=SMTP Deprecated)

You can optionally retrieve situation context groups directly, and iterate
the inspection contexts (sub_elements), which might be additional situation
context groups or inspection contexts::

    >>> group = SituationContextGroup('DoS Detection')
    >>> group.sub_elements
    [InspectionSituationContext(name=TCP synflood detection (SYN-ACK timeout based detection)),
     InspectionSituationContext(name=TCP synflood detection (SYN-timeout method)),
     InspectionSituationContext(name=Non-ratebased DoS attacks),
     InspectionSituationContext(name=TCP DoS events),
     InspectionSituationContext(name=UDP DoS events),
                                InspectionSituationContext(name=UDP DoS detected)]

If you are interested in inspection contexts directly (i.e. groups are
'flattened' out), you can retrieve these as follows::

    >>> from smc.elements.situations import InspectionSituationContext
    >>> for context in InspectionSituationContext.objects.all():
    ...   context
    InspectionSituationContext(name=Context for DNS_POLICY_NOTIFY_FAIL)
    InspectionSituationContext(name=Context for FTP AUTH success)
    InspectionSituationContext(name=TCP PPTP Server Stream)
    InspectionSituationContext(name=Context for SMTP_INCONSISTENT_REPLIES)
    InspectionSituationContext(name=Context for TCP Option Too Short)
    InspectionSituationContext(name=RIFF File Stream)
    InspectionSituationContext(name=Context for IP Total Length Error)

You can optionally retrieve an inspection situation context directly. Most
situation contexts are system level elements and will be read only, but you
can fetch them to view configurations if necessary.

Every situation context will have at least one `situation parameter`, which
is the parameter / value pair used to match the on inspection situations which
are categorized by the situation context. For example, in the case of detecting
a text file stream, a single regular expression type situation parameter is used::

    >>> context = InspectionSituationContext('Text File Stream')
    >>> for parameter in context.situation_parameters:
    ...   parameter
    SituationParameter(name=Regular Expression)

Inspection Situations are the individual events that are either predefined or
system defined that identify specific events to inspect for. All inspection
situations have an inspection context (see above), and can also be customized
or be duplicated.

Creating an inspection situation is a two step process. You must first create
the situation with a specified context, then add the necessary parameter values.

An example of creating a new situation that uses a regular expression pattern
to match within a Text File Stream::

    >>> from smc.elements.situations import InspectionSituation
    >>> from smc.elements.situations import InspectionSituationContext
    >>> situation = InspectionSituation.create(name='foosituation',
                    situation_context=InspectionSituationContext('Text File Stream'),
    >>> situation
    >>> situation.create_regular_expression(r'(?x)\\n.*ActiveXObject \\x28 \\x22 WScript\\.'\
                                            'Shell(?[s_file_text_script -> sid()])\\n')

from typing import Dict

from smc.api.common import SMCRequest, fetch_entry_point
from smc.api.exceptions import CreateElementFailed, ElementNotFound
from smc.base.model import (
from smc.elements.other import SituationTag

SEVERITY = {10: "critical", 7: "high", 4: "low", 1: "information"}

def _severity_by_name(name):
    Return the severity integer value by it's name. If not found,
    return 'information'.

    :rtype: int
    for intvalue, sevname in SEVERITY.items():
        if name.lower() == sevname:
            return intvalue
    return 1

def _retrieve_parameter_from_name(situation_context, parameter_name):
    return the uri for the parameter name for given situation context
    parameters_uri = situation_context.get_relation("situation_parameters")
    links = SMCRequest(parameters_uri).read()
    for link in links.json:
        if link.get("name") == parameter_name:
            return link.get("href")

    # parameter is not found maybe we have to create it

[docs] class SituationParameter(SubElement): """ A situation parameter defines the parameter type used to define the inspection situation context. For example, Regular Expression would be a situation parameter. """ @property def type(self): """ The type of this situation parameter in textual format. For example, integer, regexp, etc. :rtype: str """ return"type") @property def display_name(self): """ The display name as shown in the SMC :rtype: str """ return"display_name") @property def order(self): """ The order placement for this parameter. This is only relevant when there are multiple parameters in an inspection context definition. :rtype: int """ return"order", 0)
[docs] class SituationParameterValue(SubElement): """ The situation parameter value is associated with a situation parameter and as the name implies, provides the value payload for the given parameter. """
[docs] class SituationContextGroup(Element): """ A situation context group is simply a top level group for organizing individual situation contexts. This is a top level element that can be retrieved directly:: >>> from smc.elements.situations import SituationContextGroup >>> for group in SituationContextGroup.objects.all(): ... group ... SituationContextGroup(name=DoS Detection) SituationContextGroup(name=FINGER) SituationContextGroup(name=SMTP Deprecated) SituationContextGroup(name=PPTP) SituationContextGroup(name=IPv6) SituationContextGroup(name=NETBIOS) SituationContextGroup(name=SIP) SituationContextGroup(name=SNMP) ... :ivar list(InspectionContext, InspectionContextGroup) sub_elements: the members of this inspection context group """ typeof = "situation_context_group" sub_elements = ElementList("sub_elements")
[docs] class SituationContext(Element): """ A situation context can be used by an inspection situation or by a correlated situation. The context defines the situation parameters used to define a pattern match and how that match is made. :ivar str name: name of this situation context :ivar str comment: comment for the context """ @property def description(self): """ Description for this context :rtype: str """ return"description", "") @property def situation_parameters(self): """ Situation parameters defining detection logic for the context. This will return a list of SituationParameter indicating how the detection is made, i.e. regular expression, integer value, etc. :rtype: list(SituationParameter) """ for param in"situation_parameters", []): cache = ElementCache(data=self.make_request(href=param)) yield type("SituationParameter", (SituationParameter,), {"data": cache})(, type=cache.type, href=param )
[docs] class InspectionSituationContext(SituationContext): """ Represents groups of situation contexts that can be characterized by a common technique used for identifying the situation. Contexts also typically have in common the type of situation they apply to, i.e. `File Text Stream` would be an inspection context, and encapsulates inspection situations such as ActiveX in text file stream detection, etc. """ typeof = "inspection_situation_context"
[docs] class CorrelationSituationContext(SituationContext): """ Correlation Contexts define the patterns for matching groups of related events in traffic. Examples of correlation contexts are Count, Compress, Group, Match and Sequence. See SMC documentation for more details on each context type and meaning. """ typeof = "correlation_situation_context" @property def situation_parameters(self): return"situation_parameters")
[docs] class Situation(Element): """ Situation defines a common interface for inspection and correlated situations. """ typeof = "situations" situation_context = ElementRef("situation_context_ref") @property def severity(self): """ The severity of this inspection situation, critical, high, low, information :rtype: int """ return SEVERITY.get("severity")) @property def description(self): """ The description for this situation :rtype: str """ return"description", "") @property def attacker(self): """ How the Attacker is determined when the Situation matches. This information is used for blacklisting and in log entries and may be None :rtype: str or None """ return"attacker") @property def target(self): """ How the Target is determined when the Situation matches. This information is used for blacklisting and in log entries and may be None :rtype: str or None """ return"target") @property def parameter_values(self): """ Parameter values for this inspection situation. This correlate to the the situation_context. :rtype: list(SituationParameterValue) """ for param in"parameter_values", []): cache = ElementCache(data=self.make_request(href=param)) name = "{}".format(cache.type.title()).replace("_", "") yield type(name, (SituationParameterValue,), {"data": cache})(, type=cache.type, href=param )
[docs] class InspectionSituation(Situation): """ It is an element that identifies and describes detected events in the traffic or in the operation of the system. Situations contain the Context information, i.e., a pattern that the system is to look for in the inspected traffic. """ typeof = "inspection_situation"
[docs] @classmethod def create( cls, name, situation_context, attacker=None, target=None, severity="information", situation_type=None, description=None, comment=None, ): """ Create an inspection situation. :param str name: name of the situation :param InspectionSituationContext situation_context: The situation context type used to define this situation. Identifies the proper parameter that identifies how the situation is defined (i.e. regex, etc). :param str attacker: Attacker information, used to identify last packet the triggers attack and is only used for blacklisting. Values can be packet_source, packet_destination, connection_source, or connection_destination :param str target: Target information, used to identify the last packet that triggers the attack and is only used for blacklisting. Values can be packet_source, packet_destination, connection_source, or connection_destination :param str severity: severity for this situation. Valid values are critical, high, low, information :param str description: optional description :param str comment: optional comment """ try: json = { "name": name, "comment": comment, "description": description, "situation_context_ref": situation_context.href, "attacker": attacker, "victim": target, "severity": _severity_by_name(severity), } element = ElementCreator(cls, json) tag = situation_type or SituationTag("User Defined Situations") tag.add_element(element) return element except ElementNotFound as e: raise CreateElementFailed( "{}. Inspection Situation Contexts require SMC " "version 6.5 and above.".format(str(e)) )
[docs] def create_regular_expression(self, regexp): """ Create a regular expression for this inspection situation context. The inspection situation must be using an inspection context that supports regex. :param str regexp: regular expression string :raises CreateElementFailed: failed to modify the situation """ for parameter in self.situation_context.situation_parameters: if parameter.type == "regexp": return self.add_parameter_value( "reg_exp_situation_parameter_values", **{"parameter_ref": parameter.href, "reg_exp": regexp} ) # Treat as raw string raise CreateElementFailed( "The situation does not support a regular " "expression as a context value." )
def add_parameter_value(self, resource, **value): return self.make_request( CreateElementFailed, method="create", resource=resource, json=value ) def find_vulnerabilities(self): pass # Not yet implemented @property def vulnerability_references(self): """ If this inspection situation has associated CVE, OSVDB, BID, etc references, this will return those reference IDs :rtype: list(str) """ return"vulnerability_references", [])
[docs] class CorrelationSituation(Situation): """ Correlation Situations are used by NGFW Engines and Log Servers to conduct further analysis of detected events. Correlation Situations do not handle traffic directly. Instead they analyze the events generated by matches to Situations found in traffic. Correlation Situations use Event Binding elements to define the log events that bind together different types of events in traffic. """ typeof = "correlation_situation"
[docs] class EcaOperatingSystemSituation(Situation): """ Used to configure ECA Endpoint setting """ typeof = "eca_operating_system_situation"
[docs] class TLSMatchSituationContext(SituationContext): """ Used by TLSMatchSituation """ typeof = "tls_match_situation_context"
[docs] class SubTLSMatchSituation(Situation): """ Used by TLSMatchSituation """ typeof = "sub_tls_match_situation"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, context): """ Create the sub tls match situation Used by TLSMatchSituation :param str name: name of sub tls match :param str context: context for sub tls match :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: SubTLSMatchSituation """ sub_tls_match_json = { "comment": "Autogenerated sub application for succeeded tls match.", "hidden": False, "name": name, "sanity_check": False, "severity": 1, "situation_context_ref": context.href, } return ElementCreator(cls, sub_tls_match_json)
[docs] class TLSMatchSituation(Situation): """ TLS Match elements define matching criteria for the use of the TLS protocol in traffic, and allow you to prevent the specified traffic from being decrypted. TLS Matches that deny decrypting are applied globally, even if the TLS Match elements are not used in the policy. However, TLS Match elements that are used in specific Access rules can override globally-applied TLS matches. """ typeof = "tls_match_situation"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, matching_domains=None, match_certificate_validation="succeed_tls_validation", validation_failed_matches=None, deny_decrypting=False, comment=None): """ Create TLS Match :param str name: :param list matching_domains: list of domain url's :param str match_certificate_validation: possible values: * "succeed_tls_validation" to be used with matching_domains parameter * "no_validation" * "validation_failed" to be used with validation_failed_matches parameter :param list validation_failed_matches: possible values: * "match_self_signed_certificates" * "match_non_trusted_CAs" * "match_expired_certificates" * "match_invalid_certificates" :param bool deny_decrypting: deny decrypting default=False :param str comment: optional comment :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: TLSMatchSituation """ SUB_TLS_MATCH_SITUATION_EP: str = fetch_entry_point("sub_tls_match_situation") INSPECTION_SITUATION_EP: str = fetch_entry_point("inspection_situation") # Define sub situation used # situation: Succeeded TLS validation SUCCEED_TLS_VALIDATION: str = SUB_TLS_MATCH_SITUATION_EP + "/78001" # situation: The server certificate in a TLS connection was processed successfully NO_VALIDATION: str = INSPECTION_SITUATION_EP + "/78009" # situation: SSL/TLS server certificate could not be verified VALIDATION_FAILED: str = INSPECTION_SITUATION_EP + "/79059" # define the situation used for the given parameter MATCH_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_PARAM: Dict[str, str] = { "succeed_tls_validation": SUCCEED_TLS_VALIDATION, "no_validation": NO_VALIDATION, "validation_failed": VALIDATION_FAILED, } # situation: Self-signed certificate matched MATCH_SELF_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES: str = SUB_TLS_MATCH_SITUATION_EP + "/78003" # situation: Non-trusted CA matched MATCH_NON_TRUSTED_CAS: str = SUB_TLS_MATCH_SITUATION_EP + "/78004" # situation: Expired certificate matched MATCH_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATES: str = SUB_TLS_MATCH_SITUATION_EP + "/78007" # situation: A certificate in server certificate chain could not be read MATCH_INVALIDE_CERTIFICATES: str = INSPECTION_SITUATION_EP + "/79050" VALIDATION_FAILED_MATCHES_PARAM: Dict[str, str] = { "match_self_signed_certificates": MATCH_SELF_SIGNED_CERTIFICATES, "match_non_trusted_CAs": MATCH_NON_TRUSTED_CAS, "match_expired_certificates": MATCH_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATES, "match_invalid_certificates": MATCH_INVALIDE_CERTIFICATES } # create first the TLS Match Element json = {"name": name, "situation_context_ref": TLSMatchSituationContext("TLS Match").href, "comment": comment} tls_match = ElementCreator(cls, json) if match_certificate_validation == "succeed_tls_validation": # create the sub tls match to define domain list sub_tls_match = SubTLSMatchSituation.create( name="CustomCertificateDomainName_{}".format(name), context=InspectionSituationContext("TLS Domain")) # add matching domains string_list_situation_parameter_value_json = { "name": "domains", "parameter_ref": _retrieve_parameter_from_name( InspectionSituationContext("TLS Domain"), "domains"), "string_values": matching_domains } SMCRequest( href=sub_tls_match.get_relation("string_list_situation_parameter_values"), json=string_list_situation_parameter_value_json).create() # create the application expression parameter value # create matching domain APPLICATION_EXPRESSION_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON = { "name": "match", "operator": "and", "parameter_ref": _retrieve_parameter_from_name( TLSMatchSituationContext("TLS Match"), "match"), "sub_situations": [ MATCH_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_PARAM.get(match_certificate_validation), sub_tls_match.href ] } SMCRequest( href=tls_match.get_relation("application_expression_situation_parameter_values"), json=APPLICATION_EXPRESSION_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON).create() if match_certificate_validation == "no_validation": # create the application expression parameter value # create no validation APPLICATION_EXPRESSION_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON = { "name": "match", "operator": "and", "parameter_ref": _retrieve_parameter_from_name( TLSMatchSituationContext("TLS Match"), "match"), "sub_situations": [ MATCH_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_PARAM.get(match_certificate_validation), ] } SMCRequest( href=tls_match.get_relation("application_expression_situation_parameter_values"), json=APPLICATION_EXPRESSION_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON).create() if match_certificate_validation == "validation_failed": # create the application expression parameter value # create validation_failed # create sub-situation list sub_situations = {MATCH_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_PARAM.get(match_certificate_validation)} for situation in VALIDATION_FAILED_MATCHES_PARAM.keys(): if situation in validation_failed_matches: sub_situations.add(VALIDATION_FAILED_MATCHES_PARAM.get(situation)) APPLICATION_EXPRESSION_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON: Dict[str, str] = { "name": "match", "operator": "and", "parameter_ref": _retrieve_parameter_from_name( TLSMatchSituationContext("TLS Match"), "match"), "sub_situations": list(sub_situations) } SMCRequest( href=tls_match.get_relation("application_expression_situation_parameter_values"), json=APPLICATION_EXPRESSION_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON).create() # deny decrypting parameter TLS_DECRYPTING_FORBIDDEN: str = "tls_decrypting_forbidden" BOOLEAN_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON: Dict[str, str] = { "name": TLS_DECRYPTING_FORBIDDEN, "parameter_ref": _retrieve_parameter_from_name(TLSMatchSituationContext("TLS Match"), TLS_DECRYPTING_FORBIDDEN), "value": deny_decrypting } SMCRequest( href=tls_match.get_relation("boolean_situation_parameter_values"), json=BOOLEAN_SITUATION_PARAMETER_VALUE_JSON).create() return tls_match