Source code for smc.elements.profiles

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Profiles are templates used in other parts of the system to provide default
functionality for specific feature sets. For example, to enable DNS Relay on
an engine you must specify a DNSRelayProfile to use which defines the common
settings (or sub-settings) for that feature.

A DNS Relay Profile allows multiple DNS related mappings that can be configured.
Example usage::

    >>> from smc.elements.profiles import DNSRelayProfile
    >>> profile = DNSRelayProfile('mynewprofile')

.. note:: If the DNSRelayProfile does not exist, it will automatically be
    created when a DNS relay rule is added to the DNSRelayProfile instance.

Add a fixed domain answer rule::

    >>> profile.fixed_domain_answer.add([('', ''), ('',)])
    >>> profile.fixed_domain_answer.all()
    [{u'domain_name': u'', u'translated_domain_name': u''},
    {u'domain_name': u''}]

Translate hostnames (not fqdn) to a specific IP address::

    >>> profile.hostname_mapping.add([('hostname1,hostname2', '')])
    >>> profile.hostname_mapping.all()
    [{u'hostnames': u'hostname1,hostname2', u'ipaddress': u''}]

Translate an IP address to another::

    >>> profile.dns_answer_translation.add([('', '')])
    >>> profile.dns_answer_translation.all()
    [{u'translated_ipaddress': u'', u'original_ipaddress': u''}]

Specify a DNS server to handle specific domains::

    >>> profile.domain_specific_dns_server.add([('', '')])
    >>> profile.domain_specific_dns_server.all()
    [{u'dns_server_addresses': u'', u'domain_name': u''}]

from smc.base.model import Element, ElementCreator
from smc.api.exceptions import ElementNotFound, UnsupportedAttribute
from smc.base.util import element_resolver
from smc.compat import is_smc_version_less_than
from smc.elements.common import MultiContactServer

[docs] class DNSRule(object): """ DNSRule is the parent class for all DNS relay rules. """ __slots__ = "profile" def __init__(self, profile): self.profile = profile def add(self, instance, answers): key, left, right = instance._attr json = [dict(zip([left, right], d)) for d in answers] try:[key].extend(json) self.profile.update() except ElementNotFound: j = {"name":, key: json} return ElementCreator(self.profile.__class__, j)
[docs] def all(self): """ Return all entries :rtype: list(dict) """ attribute = self._attr[0] return, [])
[docs] class FixedDomainAnswer(DNSRule): """ Direct requests for specific domains to IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), or empty DNS replies """ _attr = ("fixed_domain_answer", "domain_name", "translated_domain_name")
[docs] def add(self, answers): """ Add a fixed domain answer. This should be a list of two-tuples, the first entry is the domain name, and the second is the translated domain value:: profile = DNSRelayProfile('dnsrules') profile.fixed_domain_answer.add([ ('', ''), ('',)]) :param answers: (domain_name, translated_domain_name) :type answers: tuple[str, str] :raises UpdateElementFailed: failure to add to SMC :return: None .. note:: translated_domain_name can be none, which will cause the NGFW to return NXDomain for the specified domain. """ super(FixedDomainAnswer, self).add(self, answers)
[docs] class HostnameMapping(DNSRule): """ Statically map host names, aliases for host names, and unqualified names (a host name without the domain suffix) to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses """ _attr = ("hostname_mapping", "hostnames", "ipaddress")
[docs] def add(self, answers): """ Map specific hostname to specified IP address. Provide a list of two-tuples. The first entry is the hostname/s to translate (you can provide multiple comma separated values). The second entry should be the IP address to map the hostnames to:: profile = DNSRelayProfile('dnsrules') profile.hostname_mapping.add([('hostname1,hostname2', '')]) :param answers: (hostnames, ipaddress), hostnames can be a comma separated list. :type answers: tuple[str, str] :raises UpdateElementFailed: failure to add to SMC :return: None """ super(HostnameMapping, self).add(self, answers)
[docs] class DomainSpecificDNSServer(DNSRule): """ Forward DNS requests to different DNS servers based on the requested domain. """ _attr = ("domain_specific_dns_server", "domain_name", "dns_server_addresses")
[docs] def add(self, answers): """ Relay specific domains to a specified DNS server. Provide a list of two-tuple with first entry the domain name to relay for. The second entry is the DNS server that should handle the query:: profile = DNSRelayProfile('dnsrules') profile.domain_specific_dns_server.add([('', '')]) :param answers: (domain_name, dns_server_addresses), dns server addresses can be a comma separated string :type answers: tuple[str, str] :raises UpdateElementFailed: failure to add to SMC :return: None """ super(DomainSpecificDNSServer, self).add(self, answers)
[docs] class DNSAnswerTranslation(DNSRule): """ Map IPv4 addresses resolved by external DNS servers to IPv4 addresses in the internal network. """ _attr = ("dns_answer_translation", "original_ipaddress", "translated_ipaddress")
[docs] def add(self, answers): """ Takes an IPv4 address and translates to a specified IPv4 value. Provide a list of two-tuple with the first entry providing the original address and second entry specifying the translated address:: profile = DNSRelayProfile('dnsrules') profile.dns_answer_translation.add([('', '')]) :param answers: (original_ipaddress, translated_ipaddress) :type answers: tuple[str, str] :raises UpdateElementFailed: failure to add to SMC :return: None """ super(DNSAnswerTranslation, self).add(self, answers)
[docs] class DNSRelayProfile(Element): """ DNS Relay Settings specify a profile to handle how the engine will interpret DNS queries. The engine can act as a DNS relay, rewrite DNS queries or redirect domains to the specified DNS servers. """ typeof = "dns_relay_profile" @property def fixed_domain_answer(self): """ Add a fixed domain answer entry. :rtype: FixedDomainAnswer """ return FixedDomainAnswer(self) @property def hostname_mapping(self): """ Add a hostname to IP mapping :rtype: HostnameMapping """ return HostnameMapping(self) @property def domain_specific_dns_server(self): """ Add domain to DNS server mapping :rtype: DomainSpecificDNSServer """ return DomainSpecificDNSServer(self) @property def dns_answer_translation(self): """ Add a DNS answer translation :rtype: DNSAnswerTranslation """ return DNSAnswerTranslation(self)
[docs] class SNMPAgent(Element): """ Minimal implementation of SNMPAgent """ typeof = "snmp_agent" @classmethod def create( cls, name, snmp_users=[], trap_destinations=[], snmp_monitoring_contact=None, snmp_monitoring_listening_port=161, snmp_version="v3", monitoring_user_names=[], trap_user_names=[], comment=None, ): json = { "boot": False, "go_offline": False, "go_online": False, "hardware_alerts": False, "name": name, "policy_applied": False, "shutdown": False, "snmp_monitoring_contact": snmp_monitoring_contact, "snmp_monitoring_listening_port": snmp_monitoring_listening_port, "snmp_monitoring_user_name": monitoring_user_names, "snmp_trap_destination": trap_destinations, "snmp_user_name": snmp_users, "snmp_version": snmp_version, "user_login": False, } return ElementCreator(cls, json)
class SandboxService(Element): typeof = "sandbox_service" @classmethod def create(cls, name, sandbox_data_center, portal_username=None, comment=None): """ Create a Sandbox Service element """ json = { "name": name, "sandbox_data_center": element_resolver(sandbox_data_center), "portal_username": portal_username if portal_username else "", "comment": comment, } return ElementCreator(cls, json) @property def sandbox_license_key(self): """ Sandbox License Key. :rtype: str """ return"sandbox_license_key") @property def sandbox_license_token(self): """ License Token. :rtype: str """ return"sandbox_license_token") @property def sandbox_data_center(self): """ Sandbox Data Center :rtype: SandboxDataCenter """ return self.from_href("sandbox_data_center")) class SandboxDataCenter(Element): typeof = "sandbox_data_center" @property def hostname(self): """Sandbox Service Hostname""" return"hostname") @property def server_url(self): """Sandbox Data Center Server URL""" return"server_url") @property def portal_url(self): """Sandbox Data Center Portal URL""" return"portal_url") @property def api_url(self): """Sandbox Data Center API URL.""" return"api_url") @property def sandbox_type(self): """ Sandbox Data Center Type. 1. forcepoint_sandbox 2. cloud_sandbox or local_sandbox """ if is_smc_version_less_than("7.1"): raise UnsupportedAttribute("Unsupported Attribute, sandbox_type is available in " "smc version > 7.1") return"sandbox_type") @property def tls_profile(self): """Represents a TLS Profile.""" return self.from_href("tls_profile")) class UserIDService(Element, MultiContactServer): """ Represents a User ID Service element. """ typeof = "user_id_service" @classmethod def create( cls, name, address=None, ipv6_address=None, cache_expiration=300, connect_timeout=10, monitored_user_domains=None, tls_field="DNSName", tls_value=None, tls_profile=None, port=5000, address_list=None, third_party_monitoring=None, comment=None ): """ :param str name: Name of user id service. :param str address: IP addresses to contact the User ID Service. :param str ipv6_address: Single valid IPv6 address to contact the User ID Service. :param int cache_expiration: The time in seconds for the cache expiration on the engine. :param int connect_timeout: The time in seconds for the connection from the engine to time out. :param List monitored_user_domains: Specific user domains to check. If not defined, it uses all known user domains by User ID service. :param str tls_field: This id field from Field/value pair used to insure server identity when connecting to User ID service using TLS. :param str tls_value: This id value from Field/value pair used to insure server identity when connecting to User ID service using TLS :param TLSProfile tls_profile: TLS information required to establish TLS connection to the User ID service. :param int port: The port on which the User ID Service communicates with the Firewall. If you change the port from the default, you must configure the same port in the User ID Service Properties on the Windows system. You must also change the rule that allows communication between the Firewall and the User ID Service. :param List address_list: List of additional IP addresses to contact the User ID Service. You can add several IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (one by one). You must select the Logging Profile that contains the definitions for converting the syslog entries to log entries.You must also select the Time Zone in which the device is located. By default, the local time zone of the computer you are using is selected :param ThirdPartyMonitoring third_party_monitoring: The optional Third Party Monitoring configuration. :param str comment: comment :return UserIDService """ json = { "name": name, "monitored_user_domains": monitored_user_domains, "address": address, "ipv6_address": ipv6_address, "cache_expiration": cache_expiration, "connect_timeout": connect_timeout, "port": port, "list": address_list, "tls_identity": {"tls_field": tls_field, "tls_value": tls_value }, "tls_profile": element_resolver(tls_profile), "comment": comment, } if third_party_monitoring: json.update( return ElementCreator(cls, json) @property def tls_profile(self): """Represents a TLS Profile.""" return self.from_href("tls_profile")) @property def tls_identity(self): """ Field/value pair used to insure server identity when connecting to User ID service using TLS """ return"tls_identity") @property def monitored_user_domains(self): """ Specific user domains to check. If not defined, it uses all known user domains by User ID service. """ return"monitored_user_domains") @property def cache_expiration(self): """ The time in seconds for the cache expiration on the engine. """ return"cache_expiration") @property def connect_timeout(self): """ The time in seconds for the connection from the engine to time out. """ return"connect_timeout") @property def port(self): """ The port on which the User ID Service communicates with the Firewall. """ return"port") @property def list(self): """ List of additional IP addresses to contact the User ID Service. """ return"list")