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Groups that are used for element types, such as TCPServiceGroup,
Group (generic), etc. All group types inherit from GroupMixin which
allow for modifications of existing groups and their members.
from smc.api.exceptions import ElementNotFound
from smc.base.model import Element, ElementCreator
from smc.base.util import element_resolver
from smc.compat import min_smc_version

[docs] class GroupMixin(object): """ Methods associated with handling modification of Group objects for existing elements """
[docs] @classmethod def update_or_create(cls, append_lists=True, with_status=False, remove_members=False, **kwargs): """ Update or create group entries. If the group exists, the members will be updated. Set append_lists=True to add new members to the list, or False to reset the list to the provided members. If setting remove_members, this will override append_lists if set. :param bool append_lists: add to existing members, if any :param bool remove_members: remove specified members instead of appending or overwriting :param dict kwargs: keyword arguments to satisfy the `create` constructor if the group needs to be created. :raises CreateElementFailed: could not create element with reason :return: element instance by type :rtype: Element """ was_created, was_modified = False, False try: element = cls.get(kwargs.get("name")) was_modified = element.update_members(append_lists=append_lists, remove_members=remove_members, **kwargs) except ElementNotFound: element = cls.create(**kwargs) was_created = True if with_status: return element, was_modified, was_created return element
[docs] def update_members(self, members, append_lists=False, remove_members=False, **kwargs): """ Update group members with member list. Set append=True to append to existing members, or append=False to overwrite. :param list members: new members for group by href or Element :type members: list[str, Element] :param bool append_lists: whether to append :param bool remove_members: remove members from the group :return: bool was modified or not """ if members: elements = [element_resolver(element) for element in members] if remove_members: element = [e for e in self.members if e not in elements] if set(element) == set(self.members): remove_members = element = False append_lists = False elif append_lists: element = [e for e in elements if e not in self.members] else: element = list(set(elements)) if element or remove_members: self.update(element=element, append_lists=append_lists, **kwargs) return True elif kwargs is not None: self.update(**kwargs) return True elif kwargs is not None: self.update(**kwargs) return True return False
[docs] def obtain_members(self): """ Obtain all group members from this group :return: group members as elements :rtype: list(Element) """ return [Element.from_href(member) for member in"element", [])]
[docs] def empty_members(self): """ Empty members from group :return: None """ self.update(element=[])
@property def members(self): """ Return members in raw href format. If you want to obtain a resolved list of elements as instance of Element, call `~obtain_members`. :rtype: list """ return"element", [])
[docs] class Group(GroupMixin, Element): """ Class representing a Group object used in access rules Groups can hold other network element types as well as other groups. Create a group element:: Group.create('mygroup') #no members Group with members:: Group.create('mygroup', [Host('kali'), Network('mynetwork')]) Available attributes: :ivar list element: list of elements by href. Call `~obtain_members` to retrieve the resolved list of elements. """ typeof = "group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None, is_monitored=False): """ Create the group :param str name: Name of element :param list members: group members by element names :type members: str,Element :param str comment: optional comment :param bool is_monitored: optional option Enable or not monitoring of the group. Default: False :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: Group """ elements = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": elements, "comment": comment, "is_monitored": is_monitored} return ElementCreator(cls, json)
class ConnectionSynchronizationGroup(Element): """ Class representing a Connection Synchronization Group object used in single engine for high availability. The elements cannot be added directly in the group. They are added by selecting the group in engine. Create a group element:: ConnectionSynchronizationGroup.create('mygroup') #no members Available attributes: :ivar list element: list of elements by href. Call `~obtain_members` to retrieve the resolved list of elements. """ typeof = "connection_sync_group" @classmethod def create(cls, name, comment=None, is_monitored=False): """ Create the group :param str name: Name of element :param str comment: optional comment :param bool is_monitored: optional option Enable or not monitoring of the group. Default: False :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: ConnectionSynchronizationGroup """ if min_smc_version("7.2"): json = {"name": name, "comment": comment, "is_monitored": is_monitored} return ElementCreator(cls, json) def obtain_members(self): """ Obtain all group members from this group :return: group members as elements :rtype: list(Element) """ return [Element.from_href(member) for member in"element", [])] @property def members(self): """ Return members in raw href format. If you want to obtain a resolved list of elements as instance of Element, call `~obtain_members`. :rtype: list """ return"element", [])
[docs] class ServiceGroup(GroupMixin, Element): """ Represents a service group in SMC. Used for grouping objects by service. Services can be "mixed" TCP/UDP/ICMP/ IPService, Protocol or other Service Groups. Element is an href to the location of the resource. Create a TCP and UDP Service and add to ServiceGroup:: tcp1 = TCPService.create('api-tcp1', 5000) udp1 = UDPService.create('api-udp1', 5001) ServiceGroup.create('servicegroup', element=[tcp1, udp1]) Available attributes: :ivar list element: list of elements by href. Call `~obtain_members` to retrieved the resolved list of elements. """ typeof = "service_group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None): """ Create the TCP/UDP Service group element :param str name: name of service group :param list members: elements to add by href or Element :type members: list(str,Element) :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: ServiceGroup """ elements = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": elements, "comment": comment} return ElementCreator(cls, json)
[docs] class TCPServiceGroup(GroupMixin, Element): """ Represents a TCP Service group Create TCP Services and add to TCPServiceGroup:: tcp1 = TCPService.create('api-tcp1', 5000) tcp2 = TCPService.create('api-tcp2', 5001) ServiceGroup.create('servicegroup', element=[tcp1, tcp2]) Available attributes: :ivar list element: list of elements by href. Call `~obtain_members` to retrieved the resolved list of elements. """ typeof = "tcp_service_group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None): """ Create the TCP Service group :param str name: name of tcp service group :param list element: tcp services by element or href :type element: list(str,Element) :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: TCPServiceGroup """ element = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": element, "comment": comment} return ElementCreator(cls, json)
[docs] class UDPServiceGroup(GroupMixin, Element): """ UDP Service Group Used for storing UDP Services or UDP Service Groups. Create two UDP Services and add to UDP service group:: udp1 = UDPService.create('udp-svc1', 5000) udp2 = UDPService.create('udp-svc2', 5001) UDPServiceGroup.create('udpsvcgroup', element=[udp1, udp2]) Available attributes: :ivar list element: list of elements by href. Call `~obtain_members` to retrieved the resolved list of elements. """ typeof = "udp_service_group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None): """ Create the UDP Service group :param str name: name of service group :param list element: UDP services or service group by reference :type members: list(str,Element) :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: UDPServiceGroup """ element = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": element, "comment": comment} return ElementCreator(cls, json)
[docs] class IPServiceGroup(GroupMixin, Element): """ IP Service Group Used for storing IP Services or IP Service Groups Available attributes: :ivar list element: list of elements by href. Call `~obtain_members` to retrieved the resolved list of elements. """ typeof = "ip_service_group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None): """ Create the IP Service group element :param str name: name of service group :param list element: IP services or IP service groups by href :type members: list(str,Element) :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: IPServiceGroup """ elements = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": elements, "comment": comment} return ElementCreator(cls, json)
[docs] class ICMPServiceGroup(GroupMixin, Element): """ IP Service Group Used for storing IP Services or IP Service Groups Available attributes: :ivar list element: list of elements by href. Call `~obtain_members` to retrieved the resolved list of elements. """ typeof = "icmp_service_group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None): """ Create the IP Service group element :param str name: name of service group :param list element: IP services or IP service groups by href :type members: list(str,Element) :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: ICMPServiceGroup """ elements = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": elements, "comment": comment} return ElementCreator(cls, json)
[docs] class URLCategoryGroup(Element): typeof = "url_category_group"
[docs] class EthernetServiceGroup(GroupMixin, Element): """ This represents an Ethernet Service Group, it groups a list of Ethernet Services. Create EthernetService and add to EthernetServiceGroup:: es1 = EthernetService.create('EthernetService1', frame_type="eth2", protocol_agent_ref=protocol, value1='1', value2='2', comment=COMMENT) es2 = EthernetService.create('EthernetService2', frame_type="eth2", protocol_agent_ref=protocol, value1='1', value2='2', comment=COMMENT) EthernetServiceGroup.create('ethernetservicegroup', element=[es1, es2]) """ typeof = "ethernet_service_group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None): """ Create the Ethernet Service Group :param str name: name of ethernet service group. :param list(EthernetService) members: The elements that are included in the EthernetServiceGroup. :param str comment: Optional comment. :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason. :return: instance with meta :rtype: EthernetServiceGroup """ element = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": element, "comment": comment} return ElementCreator(cls, json)
[docs] class RpcServiceGroup(GroupMixin, Element): """ This represents a SUN-RPC Service Group, it groups a list of SUN-RPC Services. """ typeof = "rpc_service_group"
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, name, members=None, comment=None): """ Create the SUN-RPC Service Group element. :param str name: name of rpc service group :param list members: The elements that are included in the Service Group. :type members: list(str,Element) :param str comment: optional comment. :raises CreateElementFailed: element creation failed with reason :return: instance with meta :rtype: RpcServiceGroup """ elements = [] if members is None else element_resolver(members) json = {"name": name, "element": elements, "comment": comment} return ElementCreator(cls, json)